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Cool Easy Tricks to Teach Your Dog

Would you like to teach your dog great, simple, and appealing tricks within a few days? Let's check 30 Easy & Fun tricks to teach your dog and see which ones you and your pet will like. These are different tricks that you can teach your pet all by yourself and there are no extremely complicated steps or anything similar to worry about. Yes, you will have to stay persistent and you will need to invest a lot of effort into making this a reality. But, once you are done, the reward is impressive. Let's begin.

30 Easy & Fun Tricks to Teach Your Dog

1. Clicker Response

Easy & Fun Tricks to Teach Your Dog
DogCorner- Pinterest

Level: Easy

Time: 30 repetitions over a period of 1-3 days. Most dogs will learn it within 1-2 days but some may need more time.

Needed: Dog clicker and treats

This particular trick can be considered the most important here because it can be used as a foundation for all the rest. It can be used for additional tricks and things you want to learn for your dog. Also, it is the simplest one here.

Step1: Click with a clicker and then give a treat to your pet.

Step2: Do this about 30 times during the next 1-3 days.

Step3: After a couple of times do not give a treat to your dog when he doesn't respond. Only give him when he responds to the clicker.

Tip: The goal here is to make your pet associate the clicker sound with the treat. As such he will respond every single time when he hears a clicker. Never click and then refuse to give a treat. This will have a huge negative effect on the training.

2. Shake hands

shake hands easy trick to teach your dog

Level: Easy

Time: 5-10 minutes, 2-3 times per day. Some dogs will learn this trick within 2-3 days.

Needed: Dog Treat

This is an easy trick to teach your dog and it is one of the most appealing and the most popular. You will have to hold a treat in your hand (closed) in front of your dog.

Step1: Give ''shake'' command. He will instinctively give you his hand or better said he will touch your hand with his paw.

Step2: Now you will give him a treat.

Step3: Slowly eliminate the treat from the equation. But, always say good boy or something similar.

Tip: Switch your hands on a regular basis when using a treat and when you are trying to remove it. If your dog has some issues with the training, be persistent and always start from scratch.

3. Heel

Level: Easy

Time: 4-5 sessions per day each one of 10 minutes. Dogs will need between 5 and 10 days to learn this trick.

Needed: Clicker and treats.

The mission here is to teach your dog to walk next to you. It is one of the most important tricks and one that will help you when walking outside or anywhere really.

Step1: Attach the leash of your pet to your belt and walk.

Step2: Do not go in the same direction where your pet is pulling you.

Step3: Click and treat him when he is close to you and he stays close.

Step4: Issue ''let's go'' command. Click and treat your pet every 10 steps.

Step5: Start the same training without using the leash when your dog is ready.

Tip: Your dog will soon walk next to you for hours. It is a great and simple trick that is time-consuming but should be something you can teach your pet.

4. Name trick

Level: Medium

Time: 2-5 minutes per day. 7-15 repetitions per session. Most dogs need 3-4 days to learn it.

Needed: Clicker (optional) and treats

A very appealing trick that is also simple and rewarding. It can be difficult in some cases and time-consuming. But, your dog will look at you when you call him which is precious. It is definitely one of those tricks you will want to show to your friends.

Step1: When your pet looks at you, give him a treat after you click with a clicker.

Step2: Do this 2-4 times.

Step3: Now, call his name every single time when he looks at you.

Step4: Do this 5-10 times.

Step5: Call his name. When he looks at you, give him a treat. Continue repeating this for a couple of days.

Tip: Your pet needs a simple and catching name in order to make this process easier. Experts recommend that dog names should be a catch, simple, and easy to pronounce hence you can find a lot of great examples online. While some dogs can learn soon, others may need even a couple of weeks.

5. Take a thing trick

Level: Easy

Time: 5-6 times per day. Each session should last 2-4 minutes. Dogs will need around 2-3 days to learn this.

Needed: Clicker, trait, and a toy.

You will use this trick when you want your pet to take or pick up something. It can be a toy, a branch or anything you like. It is one of the best tricks you can teach your pet and one that works exceptionally well in most cases.

Step1: Place his favorite toy on the ground.

Step2: When he picks it up, click and give him a treat.

Step3: Repeat this a few times and start using the command.

Step4: Every single time when he picks up a toy, give him a treat.

Tip: You can use different toys and different things. See which ones he will pick up and which ones he will refuse.

6. Sit

Level: Hard

Time: 5-10 minutes per day for 4-5 days. Dogs usually need 4-5 days to learn.

Needed: Treat and clicker

This is a bit harder trick simply because you have to wait for your dog to sit all by himself. As such dogs who don't frequently sit will require a lot of time to be trained. On the other hand, it is a classic trick most dog owners like to teach their dog.

Step1: When you see your dog sitting, click and give him a treat.

Step2: Do this as many times as possible.

Step3: Issue command ''sit'' click and give him a treat.

Step4: Repeat the process a couple of times for a couple of days.

Tip: You can help your dog sit and then start teaching him this. It is mandatory for dogs who don't spend a lot of time sitting. You can use the same process to teach your dog ''down'' trick.

7. Leave it

Level: Easy

Time: 4-5 sessions per day. Some dogs may need a week to master the trick. One session should last 4-5 minutes.

Needed: Clicker, toy, and different treats.

The trick here is ideal if you want to teach your pet a lot of other tricks. We can add that it is one of the most essential tricks here and the one that is great. It is not particularly difficult to train your pet doing this hence it is definitely a valuable choice to make.

Step1: Let the dog smell the biscuits in your hand. You can use other treats as well.

Step2: Call your pet and issue the ''leave it'' command. Use the leash so he can't reach the biscuits.

Step3: When he looks at you, click and give a treat.

Step4: Repeat all the steps but use a different treat.

Step5: Do this on a regular basis calling your pet from the things he likes and even other dogs. Always praise him.

Tip: The trick is very useful and rewarding. You need to let your pet get back to his friends or the thing he wanted after you praise him.

8. Stand

Level: Hard

Time: 2-3 times per day for 7-10 days. Some dogs may need up to 2 weeks of training.

Needed: Clicker and a treat.

This is a bit difficult to teach your pet due to the fact it is normal for them to stand hence he will not know why he is getting a treat.

Step1: Start when your dog stands up.

Step2: Click and reward him with a delicious treat.

Step3: Repeat this process as many times as needed or every single time when your dog stands up.

Step4: Raise your hand when you want him to stand up.

Step5: Give a lay down command and then stand up command.

Tip: The goal is to help your pet link clicking and ''stand'' command. You will have to be persistent and repeat the training as many times as needed.

9. Bring command

Level: Easy

Time: 4-5 sessions per day. Each session lasts 4-5 minutes. Dogs need around 5 days to master the trick.

Needed: Clicker, treats, and toy.

Now you will teach your pet to bring a thing or a toy to you. It is a very important trick. Keep in mind that your pet needs to know to take command before you proceed.

Step 1: Tell your pet to take it and point it out to the toy on the floor.

Step 2: Call your pet to come to you. Click and treat when he does.

Step 3: Place the toy on the floor and go to the opposite side of the room.

Step 4: Give command ''bring'' and wait.

Tip: This is actually a combination of two tricks and one that may require a lot of time to be taught. Once your dog starts bringing you a toy, try using another one.

10. Release

Level: Intermediate

Time: 3-4 times per day for 5-10 minutes. Dogs usually learn this within 3 days.

Needed: Clicker and a treat.

This command is used when you want your pet to stay in one place and then move. It can only be used if your pet knows to sit or a similar trick.

Step1: Tell your pet to sit. Wait a couple of seconds (ideally 5-10 seconds).

Step2: Tell him ''release'' and use your hand to call him as well.

Step3: Click and treat immediately.

Step 4: Gradually increase how long your pet is sitting. Increase the length by 4-5 seconds per session.

Tip: Gradually increase how long your pet is sitting and you will be able to make him sit for a couple of minutes without a problem. You must teach him at least sit or a similar command first, so keep that in mind.

11. Fetch

fetch easy dog trick

Level: Easy

Time: 5-10 times per day. One session can last up to 5 minutes. Dogs need 4-5 days to learn it.

Needed: Clicker, treats, and a rope toy.

Now you can teach your pet to fetch almost anything you like. It is an effective and appealing trick that is extremely effective and can be extremely appealing. Dogs will associate this with playing so it is very appealing.

Step 1: Play tug with your pet. Issue ''take it'' and then ''give'' command.

Step 2: Toss the rope toy a few feet away and issue the command ''take it''.

Step 3: When he takes the toy, say ''fetch''. Click and praise when he obeys you.

Tip: Using a rope toy is the best option here. You can use other toys as well.

12.Ring a bell trick

teach your dog ring a bell trick

Level: Intermediate

Time: 2-4 sessions per day for at least 5 days. Each session can last 5-10 minutes. Some pets will teach this within 4 days while others need 10-15 days.

Needed: Treat, clicker, training stick, and a jingle bell.

Step1: Point out the training stick to the bell.

Step2: Tell your pet to ring a bell and when he does, praise him and give him a treat.

Step3: When you two are planning to go outside, let him touch the bell. Opening the door will be the reward.

Tip: The secret here is to teach your dog that opening the door is the reward. Once ready your pet will ring a bell every single time he wants to go outside. You will have to take him, most of the time.

13. Come command

Level: Intermediate

Time: 4-5 times per day. Each session can last 2-5 minutes. Dogs will need 4-5 days to master this trick.

Needed: Click, different treats.

The goal of the trick is to call your pet and he comes every single time. It is actually a mandatory piece of training for most dogs and one that is very rewarding.

Step 1: Go to your dog, praise him and say his name. Give him a treat. Repeat this a couple of times.

Step 2: Call your dog from a different part of the room.

Step 3: Treat and praise him. Touch his head and collar so he gets used to a collar and a leash when you call him.

Step 4: Repeat this while you are in another room or outside.

Tip: The trick is very rewarding and appealing. It is far from a complicated thing to teach your pet and works well when you are outside with your dog.

14. Spin trick

Level: Easy

Time: 5-6 sessions per day, each one 5-10 minutes. A dog may need up to 2 weeks to master the trick.

Needed: Treat, clicker, and a training stick.

The trick is to teach your dog to go in circles on your command. It is a fun trick to watch and can be very interesting.

Step 1: Use your training stick to guide the dog in order for him to make a full circle. Click and give him a treat once a full circle is made.

Step 2: Repeat the first step a couple of times and use your index finger to tell him what to do.

Step 3: Use finger gestures more and stick less. When he is ready, start using the spin command.

Step 4: Repeat as long as needed.

Tip: Use smaller finger gestures as your dog learns the trick. You can also train him to spin left or right.

Have you seen any interesting tricks to teach your dog? No worries if not, we are only half way trough!

15. Leap command

Level: Easy

Time: 4-5 sessions per day. One session can last up to 10 minutes. Dogs need around 5 days to teach this.

Needed: Clicker, treat, chairs, broom, and books.

Here we can see how easy it is to teach your dog leap over a stick. For the training, you can use a broom and 2 chairs that will hold it in a vertical position.

Step1: Place the broom on the floor and stay on the opposite side of it.

Step2: Call your dog, click and treat when he comes to you.

Step3: Add chairs, books, and broom to lift it from the floor. Repeat the first 2 steps.

Step4: When the stick is high enough, call your pet and issue the ''leap'' command.

Tip: Gradually increase the height of the broom. Of course, don't make it too high. The height should depend on the size of your dog.

16. Roll over

Level: Intermediate

Time: 10-15 minutes per day, 2-3 times. Most dogs will need around one week to learn this trick.

Needed: Treats, training stick, and a clicker.

The trick is not very simple but it is very rewarding. All dogs can be taught and they don't need a lot of time.

Step 1: Start when your pet is lying down.

Step 2: Use your training stick to roll over the dog from one side to another. Click and give him one treat.

Step 3: Lure him to roll over on his back. Click and give him another treat.

Step 4: Lure him to roll over as much as needed. Always praise and give a treat.

Step 5: Once he is rolling perfectly, start using the ''roll over'' command.

Tip: You can use circular hand motion as well. It is helpful and can speed up the process.

17. Hoop jump

Level: Easy

Time: Your dog will need 4-5 days to learn this trick. Use 4-5 sessions per day, each one around 5 minutes long.

Needed: Clicker, treat, another person and hula hoop.

Your pet needs to understand the leap command in order to be able to teach him this one. The goal is to teach him to jump through the hoop like animals do in a circus.

Step1: Place the hoop on the floor and allow your pet to get used to it. This can last a couple of hours.

Step2: Your friend can hold the hoop but on the ground.

Step3: You will be on the opposite side of the hoop and you will call out your dog.

Step4: When he is passing through the hoop, click and give him a treat.

Step5: Keep the hoop above the ground and repeat the steps 3 and 4 while issuing leap it command.

Tip: Gradually keep the hoop higher and higher. Your pet needs to be able to jump throughout the hoop without any issues.

18. Bark

Level: Easy

Time: 5-10 times per day, each session 1-2 minutes long. Dogs need around 4-5 days to learn this trick.

Needed: Treat and a clicker.

This trick is actually called speak but we all know that dogs don't speak, they bark. Hence the latter may be a more appropriate name.

Step1: Find a thing that makes your pet bark. It can be a doorbell.

Step2: Ring the bell and when your pet looks at you and barks, click and give the command.

Step3: Repeat a few times and then start using the command ''speak'' or ''bark''.

Step4: When he barks, click and give him a command.

Tip: A hard thing here is to find a thing that makes your pet want to bark. You can use various sounds to try and make him bark.

19. Go to a specific spot

Dog Trick Go to a specific spot

Level: Easy

Time: 4-5 times per day. One session should last 5-6 minutes. Dogs typically need around 7 days to learn the trick.

Needed: masking tape, training stick, clicker and treat.

This trick is very common in the movie industry and for dogs whose owners want to train them to spend time on the rug, bet or etc.

Step 1: Touch your dog with a training stick. Then click and as usual give him a treat.

Step 2: Use masking tape to mark a spot on the floor. Touch it with your training stick and allow a dog to come to that spot. Click and give him a treat afterward.

Step 3: Name the spot. You can call it spot, place, mark, or anything else.

Tip: You can use a shiny object as well to mark the spot where your dog should go and stay.

20. Catch

dog easy tricks catch

Level: Easy

Time: 5-15 minutes per day. Dogs may need 2-3 days to learn this particular trick. You can have as many sessions as needed.

Needed: Ball, treat, and a clicker.

It is a classic trick and the one that has been the best-known period. You will teach your dog how to play catch and you can use a toy or a ball. We prefer a ball due to the fact it is more natural.

Step 1: Throw a treat to your pet. If he catches it, click and give him to eat the treat. But, if he fails, take the treat and repeat the step.

Step 2: Repeat this as many times as needed. Once he is good with it, start telling him ''catch''.

Step 3: Start using the ball instead of a treat. Praise him afterward.

Tip: A tennis ball is the best option here. Also, do not say ''catch'' until he is good at catching the treats first.

21. Open or close a door

Level: Intermediate

Time: 5-6 times per day. One session will last 5-10 minutes. Dogs may need up to 2 weeks of training.

Needed: Clicker, training stick, and treats.

There are two parts here. You will need to teach your pet to open and close the door.

Opening the door

Step 1: Use a cloth around the door and issue a command tug. Click and give a treat when he obeys.

Step 2: Always say open when he obeys you and give a treat.

Closing the door

Step1: Keep the training stick on the door.

Step2: When he touches it, give a treat and click as usual.

Step3: Issue command close once he starts doing this properly.

Tip: You can teach your pet to open and close the fridge, any doors, and even the mailbox. Leave the cloth as long as needed.

22. Ashamed trick

Level: Intermediate

Time: 5-10 sessions per day each one 5 minutes. Dogs may need 3-5 days to learn this trick.

Needed: Scotch tape, clicker, and treats.

Your pet can act ashamed when you tell him the command. He will push the head between the legs and he will stay like that. It is a nice and fun trick that can impress your friends.

Step 1: Pit a scotch tape on the nose of your pet. When he uses his paws to remove it, click and give him a treat.

Step 2: Repeat this a few times. Start using ''I am ashamed of you'' command afterward.

Step 3: Remove the tape but use the same command. When he obeys you, click and give him a treat.

Tip: It is also possible to do this when your dog is lying on the floor. It can be easier in some cases. It is not mandatory but if you feel a need to use this alternative, go for it.

23. Find it

Level: Intermediate

Time: 10 times per day. One session will last 10 minutes. Dogs may need 5-6 days to learn the trick.

Needed: Toy, treat, and clicker.

Here we can see how easy it is to teach your dog to find a thing. It can be useful as well if you have lost something and you need help finding it.

Step1: Tell your pet to sit.

Step2: Hold a toy he is comfortable with and allow him to smell it.

Step3: Hide the object under the towel. Tell him to find it. When he does, click and give him a reward.

Step4: Repeat the process a few times but always hide the toy in a different spot.

Tip: Once he gets good with the trick, use other objects he is not familiar with. But, always allow him to smell them first.

24. Teach your pet to bring you a leash

Level: Intermediate

Time: Perform 2-5 sessions per day, each one 5-10 minutes long. Dogs may need up to 2 weeks to learn the trick.

Needed: Clicker, leash, and treats.

This is an ideal trick that is also very helpful. You will teach your dog to bring you his leash when needed. He will do it when he wants to go outside which makes things easier.

Step 1: Place the leash on the floor. Give him the command to take the leash. When he does, click and give a treat.

Step 2: Stand by the door and give the command so your pet can take the leash and bring it to you. Then he will drop it.

Step 3: Give him the command to take the leash and bring it to you. Click, treat and take him for a walk.

Tip: It is ideal if your pet already knows tricks such as bring it and take it. This will make things much easier.

25. Your dog can put his toys away

Level: Hard

Time: 4-5 times per day. One session should last 10 minutes. Dogs may need up to 2 weeks of training.

Needed: Treats, toys, and clicker.

The goal here is to teach your pet to put his toys away. Yes, he can actually help you clean.

Step 1: Put a basket on the floor.

Step 2: Tell him to take a toy and drop it in the box. Treat him when he does. You can click as well and treat afterward.

Step 3: Start saying ''put the toys away'' and reward him when he obeys you.

Tip: Once the dog starts understanding the trick, you can put the toys farther from the basket and repeat the process.

26. Walk left or right

Level: Intermediate

Time: 5-15 minutes per day. 5 times a day. Dogs usually need around 3-4 days to learn this trick.

Needed: Treat, touch stick, and a clicker.

The point here is to teach your dog to walk on the left or right side of you when you are walking him. It is one of those very useful and appealing tricks that can be extremely appealing and also useful.

Step 1: Use your training stick to tell the dog to move from the left to the right side of you. Click and give him a treat when he does it.

Step 2: Repeat the first step but start telling him ''left'' when he obeys you. Click and give him a reward.

Step 3: Repeat the first 2 steps as long as he doesn't need the training stick to move to the other side.

Step 4: Now you can teach him to move from the right to the left.

Tip: Only once your pet is completely taught with the first part of the trick you should move to the second one. Do not try to teach him both options at the same time or you will confuse your dog.

27. Bow

Level: Easy

Time: 5-10 times long sessions, 5-10 times per day. Dogs can learn this trick within one week.

Needed: Clicker and a treat.

This trick is used to teach your pet top bow. He will push his head almost to the floor and stay in that position for a few seconds. It looks great and it is something most dog owners want to teach their dogs.

Step 1: Start playing with your dog. When he makes this position, click and give him a treat.

Step 2: When he is in the position, say ''bow'' and then give him a treat after clicking.

Step 3: Repeat the process as many times as needed. Always give him a treat and click when he obeys you.

Tip: You can play rough housing with your dog. Usually, this is the best and the simplest way to make your pet bow. If he refuses, you may have to find another way.

28. Use a light switch

Level: Hard

Time: 5-10 minutes per day, 3-4 times. Dogs may need up to one week of practicing.

Needed: Laser pointer, touch stick, clicker, and treats.

Yes, you can teach your dog to use a light switch. It is very interesting and can be useful. It is not as simple and easy as some other tricks here but doable.

Step1: Use a laser pointer or you can even use a training stick to tell your dog to touch a light switch.

Step2: Repeat the step but only click and give him a treat when he touches the switch with the nose.

Step3: You can teach him to turn off the light. The process is the same but it should be performed once he understands how to run on the light.

Tip: Yes, you can teach small dogs to do this as well. However, you will need a platform on which a dog can jump and touch the switch.

29. Limp

Level: hard

Time: 10-20 sessions per day. 4-5 sessions. Dogs may need up to one week to learn this.

Needed: Leash, treats and clicker.

This trick is difficult to teach your dog due to the fact it is not a natural position and movement hence some dogs will refuse it. But, it looks great and it is possible to teach all dog breeds.

Step1: Use a leash to pull his dominant leg forward. Be careful and do it slowly. Your pet will lose his balance while you are doing this.

Step2: Repeat the first step as long as needed. Click and give him a treat after a couple of minutes when he does it successfully.

Step3: Start using ''limp'' command.

Tip: Your dog doesn't need to know any other tricks to learn this one. It is the main advantage here. On the other hand, some dogs may refuse doing this for weeks.

30. Bring a drink

Level: Intermediate

Time: Dogs may need up to 4 days to learn this trick. You will need to perform 4-5 sessions per day. Each one is 5-10 minutes long.

Needed: Soda bottle, treats and clicker.

Yes, you can actually teach your pet to bring you a beverage when needed. It is not the simplest trick out there but it is very rewarding. Let's see how it is done and what you will have to do.

Step1: Place a bottle on the floor and tell your pet to take it. Repeat this a few times.

Step2: Tell him to take the bottle and bring it to you then leave it. Click and praise when he obeys you.

Step3: Move the bottle far away from him and repeat the step.

Step4: Start giving the ''bring me the drink'' command once your pet understands it.

Tip: It is advised that your pet already knows tricks and commands such as take it, bring it, and leave it. You may want to teach him those tricks first.

The final word

Here you were able to see 30 Easy & Fun tricks to teach your dog and impress your friends but also make your life easier. All of these tricks are far from extremely complicated and they can be applied to all dogs.

Of course, you may need more time than specified and you may have to teach your pet one trick in order to start teaching him the next one. But, at the end of the day, your pet will be well-trained and he will know tricks no other pet in your neighborhood knows. It is definitely something you need to consider and something that all dog owners should consider right now.
